Assembly Structure in C#

In this article we will discuss about what is the structure of the assembly in C#>
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If an assembly is to be made up of several programs, the programs can be stored in separate modules. Suppose there are two source files 'a.cs' and 'b.cs' of which, 'a.cs' is stored in a module. whereas, 'b.cs' is stored in the assembly itself. Both comprise an assembly named 'mydll'.

The PE file 'a.dll' is said to be stored in a module of the 'mydll.dll' assembly. Had 'mydll.dll' contained resources, they would also get added in the structure with the type metadata and manifest. The 'assembly description' shown manifest contains the identity of the assembly, consisting of its name, version and culture. An assembly has four  part version number e.g. <major> . <minor> . <Build> .<Revision>).  Other contents are the names of all the files in the assembly, information regarding whether all the types defined in the assembly are visible to other assemblies or private to one, a hash of all files in the assembly and details of any security permissions that clients need to have in order to be able to run assembly.

Structure of Assembly


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