Math Log10 In PHP

In this article I explain the PHP math log10 function.
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PHP log10() function

The PHP math log function is used to return the base-10 logarithm of a number.


log10( number)

Parameters in
 log10 function

It takes one parameter; it is:

Parameter Description
number It specifies a number.

Example of log10 function






echo "log10 value of <b>2</b> is <b>$val1</b> <br />";

echo "log10 value of <b>0</b> is <b>$val2</b> <br />";

echo "log10 value of <b>1.232</b> is <b>$val3</b> <br />";

echo "log10 value of <b>1</b> is <b>$val4</b> <br />";


Note: The above code is used to convert numbers to the base-10 logarithm of a number. So in the above example the numbers "2", "0", "1.232" and "1" are converted to the base-10 logarithm of the number.




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