Windows Service type in VB.NET

This code snippet shows how to find out Windows services types using VB.NET.
  • 2545

The ServiceController class in .NET Framework is used to display the device driver services on the local computer.

The ServiceController class is defined in System.ServiceProcess namespace. You must import this namespace before using this class.

Here is code in VB.NET.
Dim scDevices() As ServiceController
scDevices = ServiceController.GetDevices()
Dim numAdapter As Integer
Dim numFileSystem As Integer
Dim numKernel As Integer
Dim numRecognizer As Integer
' Display the list of device driver services.
Console.WriteLine("Device driver services on the local computer:")
Dim scTemp As ServiceController
For Each scTemp In  scDevices
' Display the status and the service name, for example,
'   [Running] PCI Bus Driver
'             Type = KernelDriver
Console.WriteLine(" [{0}] {1}", scTemp.Status, scTemp.DisplayName)
Console.WriteLine("           Type = {0}", scTemp.ServiceType)
' Update counters using the service type bit flags. If (scTemp.ServiceType And ServiceType.Adapter) <> 0 Then
numAdapter = numAdapter + 1
End If If (scTemp.ServiceType And ServiceType.FileSystemDriver) <> 0 Then
numFileSystem = numFileSystem + 1
End If If (scTemp.ServiceType And ServiceType.KernelDriver) <> 0 Then
numKernel = numKernel + 1
End If If (scTemp.ServiceType And ServiceType.RecognizerDriver) <> 0 Then
numRecognizer = numRecognizer + 1
End If Next scTemp
Console.WriteLine("Total of {0} device driver services", scDevices.Length)
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are adapter drivers", numAdapter)
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are file system drivers", numFileSystem)
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are kernel drivers", numKernel)
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are file system recognizer drivers", numRecognizer)
Here is code in C:
ServiceController[] scDevices;
scDevices = ServiceController.GetDevices();
int numAdapter = 0,
numFileSystem = 0, 
numKernel = 0, 
numRecognizer = 0;
// Display the list of device driver services.
Console.WriteLine("Device driver services on the local computer:");
foreach (ServiceController scTemp in scDevices)
// Display the status and the service name, for example,
//   [Running] PCI Bus Driver
//             Type = KernelDriver
Console.WriteLine(" [{0}] {1}", 
scTemp.Status, scTemp.DisplayName);
Console.WriteLine("           Type = {0}", scTemp.ServiceType); 
// Update counters using the service type bit flags.
if ((scTemp.ServiceType & ServiceType.Adapter) != 0)
if ((scTemp.ServiceType & ServiceType.FileSystemDriver) != 0)
if ((scTemp.ServiceType & ServiceType.KernelDriver) != 0)
if ((scTemp.ServiceType & ServiceType.RecognizerDriver) != 0)
Console.WriteLine("Total of {0} device driver services", scDevices.Length);
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are adapter drivers", numAdapter);
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are file system drivers", numFileSystem);
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are kernel drivers", numKernel);
Console.WriteLine("  {0} are file system recognizer drivers", numRecognizer); 


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