How to use OLEDB in dot net framework

In this Article i will explain method of using OLEDB in .net framework.
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OLE DB is a COM-based application programming interface (API) for accessing data. OLE DB supports accessing data stored in any format (databases, spreadsheets, text files, and so on) for which an OLE DB provider is available. Each OLE DB provider exposes data from a particular type of data source (for example SQL Server databases, Microsoft Access databases, or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets).


program accesses the BugTypes.mdb database, creates a dataset, adds the tables to it, and displays the number of tables, columns, and rows. It also displays the titles of each row

// OleDbSample.cs
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class MainClass {
    public static void Main ()
            // Set Access connection and select strings.
            // The path to BugTypes.MDB must be changed if you build
            // the sample from the command line:
            string strAccessConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\\..\\BugTypes.MDB";
            string strAccessConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=BugTypes.MDB";
            string strAccessSelect = "SELECT * FROM Categories";
            // Create the dataset and add the Categories table to it:
            DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
            OleDbConnection myAccessConn = null;
                  myAccessConn = new OleDbConnection(strAccessConn);
            catch(Exception ex)
                  Console.WriteLine("Error: Failed to create a database connection. \n{0}", ex.Message);
                  OleDbCommand myAccessCommand = new OleDbCommand(strAccessSelect,myAccessConn);
                  OleDbDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(myAccessCommand);
            catch (Exception ex)
                  Console.WriteLine("Error: Failed to retrieve the required data from the DataBase.\n{0}", ex.Message);
            // A dataset can contain multiple tables, so let's get them
            // all into an array:
            DataTableCollection dta = myDataSet.Tables;
            foreach (DataTable dt in dta)
            Console.WriteLine("Found data table {0}", dt.TableName);
            // The next two lines show two different ways you can get the
            // count of tables in a dataset:
            Console.WriteLine("{0} tables in data set", myDataSet.Tables.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} tables in data set", dta.Count);
            // The next several lines show how to get information on
            // a specific table by name from the dataset:
            Console.WriteLine("{0} rows in Categories table", myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Rows.Count);
            // The column info is automatically fetched from the database,
            // so we can read it here:
            Console.WriteLine("{0} columns in Categories table", myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Columns.Count);
            DataColumnCollection drc = myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Columns;
            int i = 0;
            foreach (DataColumn dc in drc)
                  // Print the column subscript, then the column's name
                  // and its data type:
                  Console.WriteLine("Column name[{0}] is {1}, of type {2}",i++ , dc.ColumnName, dc.DataType);
            DataRowCollection dra = myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Rows;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dra)
                  // Print the CategoryID as a subscript, then the CategoryName:
                  Console.WriteLine("CategoryName[{0}] is {1}", dr[0], dr[1]);


Category ID Category Name
1 Bugbash Stuff
2 Appweek Bugs
3 .NET Framework Reports
4 Internal Support


When you run the sample, the following output will be displayed on the screen:

Found data table Categories
 1 tables in data set
 1 tables in data set
 4 rows in Categories table
 2 columns in Categories table
 Column name[0] is CategoryID, of type System.Int32
 Column name[1] is CategoryName, of type System.String
 CategoryName[1] is Bugbash Stuff
 CategoryName[2] is Appweek Bugs
 CategoryName[3] is .NET Framework Reports
 CategoryName[4] is Internal Support.

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