Linq select operator in VB.NET

Here, we will see that how to select items with where in Linq.
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Select Operator in Linq

The Select operator is used to select value from the collection.

Understanding select

The below defines the names can be an array of numbers, strings,

 or even objects. Here is an example of names.

Dim names As String() = {"Java", "C#", "Javascript", "SQL", "Oracle", "Python", "C++", "C", "HTML", "CSS"}

The select syntax in LINQ is similar to select clause of SQL. 

Here is a simple select. 

Dim query As IEnumerable(Of String) = From n In names Select n

In the above statement, we select n in names. 
For example
The below code defines the select items in LinQ using VB.NET.

Module Module1

    Public Sub Main()

Dim names As String() = {"Java", "C#", "Javascript", "SQL", "Oracle", "Python", "C++", "C", "HTML", "CSS"}

        Dim query As IEnumerable(Of String) = From n In names Select n

        For Each s As [String] In query



    End Sub

End Module





Select with where operator

The Where operator is used to filter the items.


The following code selects items from an array that have value below 6.


Module Module1

    Public Sub Main()

        Dim numbers = New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}

        Dim a = From num In numbers Where num < 6 Select num

        Console.WriteLine("Numbers < 5:")

        For Each n In a



    End Sub

End Module





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