Rss command for run or cancel a single Remote Storage job in Windows Server 2008

In this article I am going to explain about run or cancel a single remote storage job by the help of rss command in windows server 2008 operating system.
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Rss command for run or cancel a single Remote Storage job in Windows Server 2008

The Rss command is used to manage Remote Storage from the command line. Bt the use of Rss command, you can run batch scripts for applications that will allow them to access Remote Storage directly.

Syntax of Rss command for run or cancel a single Remote Storage job

rss volume job {<VolumeName1> [<VolumeName2> ...] | *} [/type:{ createfreespace | copyfiles | validate }] [/run] [/cancel] [/wait]

Parameters in Rss command for run or cancel a single Remote Storage job

It contains following parameter, which is given below:
Parameter Description
/type It specifies the type of job to run.
/run It run the specifies job.
/cancel It is used to cancel the specified job, if it is running.
/wait It indicates that the jobs should run synchronously on each volume and that Remote Storage will wait until all jobs are complete or it encounters an error before returning to the command prompt.

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