Tfoot Tag in HTML5

In this article I am going to describe about Tfoot Tag in HTML5.
  • 1517

Tfoot Tag in HTML5

<tfoot> tag is used to specify the group of footer content of the table body.For example, the footer can include a total of the numerical values in a column or some other column summary for non-numerical columns.

 In the table we must have zero or more <tr> tag inside the <tfoot> tag. The <tfoot> tag is used in conjunction with <tbody>, <thead> in the <table> tag. Simply <tfoot> tag is used for adding afooter to the table.

The <tfoot> tag must have one or more <td> tag within <tr> tag which is nested in <tfoot>. The <tfoot> tag is the child of <table> tag and used after the <caption>, <colgroup>, <thead> tag and before the <tbody> tag. This tag must have opening and closing tags.

The <tfoot> tag comes before <tbody> tag because when the table is displayed on multiple pages, such as when printing web pages, the table footer will appear at the bottom of those rows of a table that fit on a page, before the rest of the body of the table has been rendered.

Browser Support

It is supported in all major browsers.


The syntax of thead,tbody,tfoot tag is shown below























Attributes of <tfoot> tag in HTML5

None of the HTML 4.01 attributes (such as align, char, charoff, valign) are supported in HTML5.

Example of <tfoot> tag in HTML5

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en" xmlns="">


    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <title>Tfoot Tag in HTML5</title>

    <style type="text/css">



            color: green;





            color: blue;





            color: red;





    <h2>Implementation of thead,tbody,tfoot Tag in HTML5</h2>

    <table border="1">
























    <p><b>Note:</b> The &lt;tfoot&gt; element must have one or more &lt;tr&gt; tags inside.</p>





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