Implementation of Interface in VB.NET

In this article you will learn how to Implement of Interface in VB.NET.
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Interface is a class which contains only the signatures of methods, events, properties. there implementation must be done in the derived class.
The major purpose of Interface is the implementation of multi-inheritance. The other use is reusability

Code of Declare and implementation of an Interface.

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim cs As New Program.Calculate()

        Console.WriteLine(cs.a + cs.b)


    End Sub

    Public Class Program

        Private Interface ICalculate

            Property a() As Integer

            Property b() As Integer

        End Interface

        Public Class Calculate

            Implements ICalculate

            Private iA As Integer = 4

            Private iB As Integer = 5

            Public Property a() As Integer Implements Program.ICalculate.a


                    Return iA

                End Get

                Set(ByVal value As Integer)

                    iA = value

                End Set

            End Property

            Public Property b() As Integer Implements Program.ICalculate.b


                    Return iB

                End Get

                Set(ByVal value As Integer)

                    iB = value

                End Set

            End Property

        End Class

        Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

            Dim cs As New Calculate()

            Console.WriteLine(cs.a + cs.b)


        End Sub

    End Class

End Module 

Create an Visual Basic Console Application Write this code within module and then Debug.

The Output Screen is shows as:







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