Wecutil Command In Windows Server 2008

In this article I am going to explain about Wevtutil Command in Windows Server 2008 operating system and also explain it's related syntax.
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It is used to enables you to create and manage subscriptions to events that are forwarded from remote computers and it support WS-Management protocol.


wecutil [{es | enum-subscription}]
[{gs | get-subscription} <Subid> [/f:<Format>] [/uni:<Unicode>]]
[{gr | get-subscriptionruntimestatus} <Subid> [<Eventsource> …]]
[{ss | set-subscription} [<Subid> [/e:[<Subenabled>]] [/esa:<Address>] [/ese:[<Srcenabled>]] [/aes] [/res] [/un:<Username>] [/up:<Password>] [/d:<Desc>] [/uri:<Uri>] [/cm:<Configmode>] [/ex:<Expires>] [/q:<Query>] [/dia:<Dialect>] [/tn:<Transportname>] [/tp:<Transportport>] [/dm:<Deliverymode>] [/dmi:<Deliverymax>] [/dmlt:<Deliverytime>] [/hi:<Heartbeat>] [/cf:<Content>] [/l:<Locale>] [/ree:[<Readexist>]] [/lf:<Logfile>] [/pn:<Publishername>] [/essp:<Enableport>] [/hn:<Hostname>] [/ct:<Type>]] [/c:<Configfile> [/cun:<Username> /cup:<Password>]]]
[{cs | create-subscription} <Configfile> [/cun:<Username> /cup:<Password>]]
[{ds | delete-subscription} <Subid>]
[{rs | retry-subscription} <Subid> [<Eventsource>…]]
[{qc | quick-config} [/q:[<Quiet>]]].


Parameter Description
{es | enum-subscription} It displays the names of all remote event subscriptions that exist.
{gs | get-subscription} <Subid> [/f:<Format>] [/uni:<Unicode>] In this displays remote subscription configuration information. <Subid> is a string that uniquely identifies a subscription. <Subid> is the same as the string that was specified in the <SubscriptionId> tag of the XML configuration file, which was used to create the subscription.
{gr | get-subscriptionruntimestatus} <Subid> [<Eventsource> …] In this we displays the runtime status of a subscription. <Subid> is a string that uniquely identifies a subscription. <Subid> is the same as the string that was specified in the <SubscriptionId> tag of the XML configuration file, which was used to create the subscription. <Eventsource> is a string that identifies a computer that serves as a source of events. <Eventsource> should be a fully qualified domain name, a NetBIOS name, or an IP address..
{ss | set-subscription} <Subid> [/e:[<Subenabled>]] [/esa:<Address>] [/ese:[<Srcenabled>]] [/aes] [/res] [/un:<Username>] [/up:<Password>] [/d:<Desc>] [/uri:<Uri>] [/cm:<Configmode>] [/ex:<Expires>] [/q:<Query>] [/dia:<Dialect>] [/tn:<Transportname>] [/tp:<Transportport>] [/dm:<Deliverymode>] [/dmi:<Deliverymax>] [/dmlt:<Deliverytime>] [/hi:<Heartbeat>] [/cf:<Content>] [/l:<Locale>] [/ree:[<Readexist>]] [/lf:<Logfile>] [/pn:<Publishername>] [/essp:<Enableport>] [/hn:<Hostname>] [/ct:<Type>]


{ss | set-subscription /c:<Configfile> [/cun:<Comusername> /cup:<Compassword>]

some time changes the subscription configuration. You can specify the subscription ID and the appropriate options to change subscription parameters, or you can specify an XML configuration file to change subscription parameters.
{cs | create-subscription} <Configfile> [/cun:<Username> /cup:<Password>] It Creates a remote subscription. <Configfile> specifies the path to the XML file that contains the subscription configuration. The path can be absolute or relative to the current directory.
{ds | delete-subscription} <Subid> In this Deletes a subscription and unsubscribes from all event sources that deliver events into the event log for the subscription. Any events already received and logged are not deleted. <Subid> is a string that uniquely identifies a subscription. <Subid> is the same as the string that was specified in the <SubscriptionId> tag of the XML configuration file, which was used to create the subscription.
{rs | retry-subscription} <Subid> [<Eventsource>…] It Retries to establish a connection and send a remote subscription request to an inactive subscription. Attempts to reactivate all event sources or specified event sources. Disabled sources are not retried. <Subid> is a string that uniquely identifies a subscription. <Subid> is the same as the string that was specified in the <SubscriptionId> tag of the XML configuration file, which was used to create the subscription. <Eventsource> is a string that identifies a computer that serves as a source of events. <Eventsource> should be a fully qualified domain name, a NetBIOS name, or an IP address.
{qc | quick-config} [/q:[<Quiet>]] It Configures the Windows Event Collector service to ensure a subscription can be created and sustained through reboots. This includes the following steps:
  • Enable the Forwarded Events channel if it is disabled.
  • Set the Windows Event Collector service to delay start.
  • Start the Windows Event Collector service if it is not running.


wecutil gs sub1

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